7th Materials and Machine Learning Meet: NeurIPS After-party

Dec. 6, 2023

Join us for the 7th Materials and Machine Learning Meetup (M&M Meetup) in New Orleans.

We are looking forward to host you for an informal evening of Bayesian Optimisation and Lab Automation enthusiasts, parallel to NeurIPS 2023.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/neurips23-bayesian-optimisation-lab-automation-after-party-7th-mnm-meet-tickets-765187525487?aff=oddtdtcreator

The first few drinks will be sponsored by Matterhorn Studio, Jakob will be there on the evening to distribute vouchers.

We have reserved tables at a bar with views across the Mississipi, close to the south end of Woldenberg Park.

The exact location will be sent to attendants on the day, if they are accepted on the guest-list, to avoid overcrowding and to focus the event on people with interest in Bayesian Optimisation and Lab Automation.

This After-Party is in the context of conferences earlier this year: Come around to discuss Bayesian Optimisation and Lab Automation with a cross-over to materials and chemistry for biosynthetics, alternative proteins, hydrogen, fusion, foundation industries, materials 4.0, plastics, in the context of ChemAI 2023, the recent Henry Royce National Institute Conference in Manchester and the Accelerate23 conference in Toronto (http://accelerate23.ca).

Get in touch

We will happily guide you through the emerging space of data-driven material discovery. We look forward to learn from your experience and problem space.


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