
Hear latest news from our work on research, material science and outreach.

<PageQuerySet [<BlogPage: (Product Release) AI-Driven Solutions for Lab-Automation>, <BlogPage: (Hackathon) CA$2000 in Prizes available for Bayesian Optimisation>, <BlogPage: (Research) November Research Series Released>, <BlogPage: Your first self-driving laboratory for under $50>, <BlogPage: (Funding) IUK grant supports development of cutting-edge ML models at Matterhorn Studio>, <BlogPage: (Podcast) Welt der Werkstoffe - talk, Folge 24, Jakob Zeitler: Einsatz von KI in der Werkstoffforschung>, <BlogPage: (Paper Review) A Self-driving Laboratory Optimizes A Scalable Process For Making Functional Coatings>, <BlogPage: (Workshop) AI4Mat NeurIPS 2022 Workshop>, <BlogPage: (Careers) Machine Learning for Biosynthetic Materials>]>
Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 11.56.55

(Product Release) AI-Driven Solutions for Lab-Automation

AI-driven optimisation solution for culture media in self-driving laboratories

May 9, 2024


(Hackathon) CA$2000 in Prizes available for Bayesian Optimisation

Matterhorn Studio is offering up to CA $2000 in prizes for the best BO projects, as part of the BO Hackathon hosted by Merck Group and Acceleration Consortium.

March 14, 2024


(Research) November Research Series Released

Join us this November for an extended showcase of our NeurIPS workshop papers.

Nov. 3, 2023


Your first self-driving laboratory for under $50

Self-driving labs are taking over the world, so how can you build your own at home?

Aug. 28, 2023

Matterhorn Studio Team

(Funding) IUK grant supports development of cutting-edge ML models at Matterhorn Studio

In May, we received a grant from IUK, as part of the Transformative Technologies series, to refine our machine learning models for biosynthetic materials.

June 12, 2023


(Podcast) Welt der Werkstoffe - talk, Folge 24, Jakob Zeitler: Einsatz von KI in der Werkstoffforschung

I had the chance to talk about Machine Learning in Material Science with Professor Bonnet on his show "Welt der Werkstoffe".

Feb. 1, 2023

Rupnow SDL high quality

(Paper Review) A Self-driving Laboratory Optimizes A Scalable Process For Making Functional Coatings

I had the chance to discuss with Connor Rupnow his paper on a SDL that optimises functional coatings and learned a lot about the fundamental issues of implementation.

Jan. 2, 2023


(Workshop) AI4Mat NeurIPS 2022 Workshop

On December 2, 2022, NeurIPS 2023 hosted the 1st workshop on AI for Accelerated Design (AI4Mat). The goal was to bring together researchers and domain experts from both AI and materials science to collaborate on open problems.

Dec. 5, 2022


(Careers) Machine Learning for Biosynthetic Materials

We are currently trailing candidates, asking them to produce a Jupiter notebook report based on a dataset of around 100 samples, 12 dimensions.

Nov. 7, 2022

Get in touch

We will happily guide you through the emerging space of data-driven material discovery. We look forward to learn from your experience and problem space.


Explore some of the materials optimised with Matterhorn.


Biosynthetic building material


World-leading manufacturer in after-glow materials.